Happiness Manifesto

"I'm soo tired of waking up everyday feeling like I'm not enough. Not enough for my parents, my family, friends - not enough for myself. Why do I feel like this?"

If that resonates, then you've come to the right place.

We're a community of Achievers, Builders, Creators, DO-ERS who aspire to be more.
We had enough with  "not enough" and decided to engineer a new way of living.

We strive to LIVE IN FLOW EVERYDAY by reclaiming sense of self and worth to be fully present as our authentic selves, manifest intention in our highest vibration, and attract who and what we needed into our lives.

the tldr:

...that Happiness is the central aim of human existence. Yet, 76% of people on their deathbed cite one of five greatest regrets as “I wish I let myself be happier.” Isn’t it sad so many people are taking a lifetime to realize that HAPPINESS is in OUR control? It’s unfortunate that happiness levels remain unchanged despite the fact that we have more material possessions, better healthcare, and longer lifespans than ever before. Heck we even have AI and autonomous technology to make our lives easier and easier. But better and easier aren’t the solution...


It’s gotten worse. We are more prone to anxiety and depression than prior generations. We are constantly bombarded with digital perfection that makes us feel inadequate and unhappy. Depresssion and suicide rates are on the rise. We point at social media, but it’s not social media - it’s SOCIETY at large. Every system, be it educational, religious, political, and commercial, stands on the premise that “You Are NOT Enough” unless you study this, believe that, vote here, or buy more. Trillions of dollars - shaping consciousness - built on “NEVER ENOUGH”.


Help people create happier lives by finding and living in their flow.